I was finally able to unpack my books a few weeks ago. As I was placing them on the bookshelf, I was grouping them into sections. I looked at each book I decided to take with me to Texas and read each individual title. I would think, "oh, yep, that's why I brought this one." And others, "Hooray! I kept it!" I love books and how you can read them over and over, getting something new out of it every time.
This is how it is with God's Word too. As I unpacked my ultimate, favorite Bible I was compelled to flip through the pages. I could see ways I wrote in it, quotes in the intro and back pages from various sermons over the years, and the highlights of some key verses. It had this crisp, new feel to it though since I haven't opened it for awhile. I have been using my Journaling Bible more and more for my Quiet Time, but I felt led to dig this Bible out and use it for my year at Discipleship School.
As I cracked it open and felt the pages, it occurred to me how so many times the Bible is just another book on the bookshelf. We may go in waves of reading it, but really can't say, "I have read through the entire Bible." I can't even say that! Now, there's quick access with Bibles on our smartphones and apps, but I feel like you lose so much out of the crinkle sound of the physical copy. I still can't say I have read it all the way cover to cover.
This is one part of Discipleship School I'm actually really excited for! We are reading several books, already tackling our 2nd book. Soon we will start our Scripture Memory and our Bible Reading Plan too. I am excited to read the Bible cover to cover for the first time in my life! I am excited for the new things I will learn and the new ways God will speak to me.
Have you read the Bible? Have you ever read it cover to cover? I'd love for you to join me! Start now!
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