Saturday, July 9, 2016


One thing I have been working on understanding is the Love from God, the Father heart of God, to me. It really is an amazing concept and I am convinced it will take my whole life on earth to just "kinda" understand it more. It certainly has made me think about love an awful lot.

Unconditional love is rather foreign to me. Simply put, I was raised with conditions to everything, either spoken or not, so I easily assumed love also came with conditions. I believed this so much, that I became a person who loved conditionally as well. In high school and early college years, my anger would show up and mean the person I was angry at was unloveable. I drove so many people away. I am ashamed to admit I prolly hurt  a lot of people in those years than any other time in my life to date. And then, I realized God's love is unconditional. 

When you finally understand God loves unconditionally, it changes you and how you love others. Suddenly, my anger became less of an automatic response. Overtime, I stopped carrying grudges because I was able to quickly and easily forgive. Eventually, it became easier to love people for their potential than be bitter at them for their present offenses against me. Gone was my contempt and instead, grace and mercy ran freely.

A few weeks ago, I got to gather with family and witness the wedding of one of my nephews. There we were, a blended hodge-podge, with four blended families present to celebrate on the grooms side. Something struck me later about how beautiful love is that it brings people together, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Yet, in the midst of all of it, I saw and felt consequences of a blended family as well. I grew up with mothers present that weren't mine, aunts present that weren't my sisters, and even drew my family hedge in second grade (my teacher thought I didn't understand the assignment of a family tree). I thought it was normal, so when I met friends in high school that had one set of parents and their own siblings, my mind was blown. I realized my normal was actually a dysfunction to some. In Family & Consumer Science class in high school, it was discussed amongst my peers and teacher why divorce is bad, you shouldn't marry someone from a divorced family, and how society is making something okay that for centuries was not a good thing. I will never forget the message that sent my mind: I am undesirable to have as a wife, daughter-in-law, or additional family member. What I wasn't told was how love restores.

You see, within my undesirable family dynamics are siblings I wouldn't have if love wasn't restored. I wouldn't have an entire generation of nieces and nephews of love hadn't been restored. I wouldn't exist if love was left in pieces. 

And lately, I am realizing love needs to be restored. I'm sick of the division in my country that says there's a side or race card to pick. I'm sick of assumptions getting attention before facts. I'm sick of a nation divided politically where no progress is made on anything. I'm sick of people refusing to love and, instead holding grudges. I'm sick of people choosing to disown family as a way of coping with offenses that are just too hard to face. I'm sick of people being ostriches and denying what is before them. All of this shows we lack love as a country.

People are complaining about "ALL LIVES MATTER" and saying those that say it miss the point of what is going on in my country. What if we loved because ALL lives matter; they all equally matter to God? What if we woke up and lived our lives by being loving to everyone? I know it is impossible, but if everyone tried everyday we would have a lot less issues. 

And I realized something else when my nephew got married a few weeks ago. 

Love is beautiful. When you see it, it takes your breath away and gives you butterflies. When you experience it, it overwhelms your soul. When you live it, it changes you.

So even though people are in my life that don't deserve it, I try to love them. I get rejected and even treated like I am dead to them, but I still try to love back. It hurts to choose to love because it is the hardest choice you could make. And this is what I realized.... America has a choice to make. Love or hate. If we keep choosing hate, we will destroy ourselves before any country has a chance to drop a nuclear bomb. In fact, hatred is a self-inflicted nuclear bomb. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Reflection in the Mirror

When I stand in front of a mirror of any kind I struggle. I always have. I don't even own a mirror because of it. There's lots of reasons why. One of them is because I am face-to-face with myself. Today is one of those times I feel similarly.  My birthday is tomorrow and I turn 35. It is amazing to think that in 35 more years I will be 70. This thought hit me a couple weeks ago and it got me thinking and reflecting upon that image looking back at me in the mirror. I asked myself some questions that I want to share the answers to.

This is an interesting thought because I normally don't think about my future. I have never really been a goal-setter or a dreamer. This question took me several days and in the end I came up with one simple word to fit everything: Love. I want my next 35 years to look like love. I want them to look like I love God. I want them took look like I love myself as a child of God. I hope they will look like I'm in romantic love, but it is not necessary. I long for them to look like I love children, whether or not I have my own. I want them to look like I love others as much as God does. I want them to look like I love my friends, with no strings attached. I want them to look like I love my family, whether they choose to love me back or not--I want to show them and teach them what unconditional love can be like.

This was another difficult question. It took a few days for me to really consider this. The first thing that came to mind is a conversation I had with God in November. My next step in life is to finish my college degree. Since November, God has clarified the path He wants me to take and it isn't a path that will be easy. I feel a pastoral calling, which has been there since I was a kid. No one else has really known it because I don't publish my sermons I write, but they're on my computer and my flash drive. This passion is also driven from discipling others over the years. I love guiding someone to a clearer understanding of what they believe, or spurring them on to a greater depth with Jesus. I have a huge heart for women, families, kids, and the deeply hurting. While this was not my first thought, God has certainly called it out in me over the past 3 years, along with roughly 15 people. So what I want to accomplish is pretty specific: a pastoral ministry position of some sort. Definitely not a senior pastoral role, but there's many other potential areas. In order for this to happen, college must be on the horizon. There's a couple in mind and I'm moving forward in the process at both to see what doors God opens or shuts. Right now it will be 2017 that I start, but not sure of the Spring or the Fall. God knows the details!

Man! The hardest question ever! I still am not 100% sure I have the answer for this, but I think I have a good start. I want to be someone known for her pursuit of Jesus before any other achievements. I would love to have loved ones fight over who gets my Bible when I'm gone! I want to be a woman who finally mastered her eating disorder and body image struggles and wrote a book all about it! I want to be someone who is joyful in the aging process, even if I have no clue who I am or where I am. I want to smile and laugh and make my caretakers want to be around me. I want to be thriving inspite of all the crap I went through in my life. In fact, I want people to be shocked when they hear pieces of what I have overcome because of how God has redeemed all the junk. 

These were hard questions, but necessary ones. This Abraham Journey I have been on has been very interesting and surprising!