Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Guideposts, Confirmation, and Direction

I often wonder what the Bible doesn't tell us about Abraham's journey; the journey my life parallels. I wonder if the desert had signs of others having gone on a journey. The Oregon Trail was a similar journey and one that was critical in American history. There were always guideposts and markers along the way, the help people know they were still on the Oregon Trail. There were trading posts at critical distances that would be able to supply food, clothes, blankets, and repairs for the wagons. Some had medical doctors too. Often times while traveling, a couple of strong men from the traveling group (which was anywhere from 3-8 families or more) would go ahead on horseback and double check the trail and clear it for the wagons to pass through. It wasn't uncommon for trees to be down in the way, or any other hazards. In some cases, the men would move ahead several days and reach the posts to get food if the group was low and then leave the food along the trail. Abraham didn't have these luxuries. He went to "a land [God] will show [him]" and he packed up his family, animals, and possessions and traveled on his journey. He had no map, no guideposts, and no testimony of people who had traveled to this land before him. It was an unwritten journey, unique to Abe. Abe had to trust God for everything and to be everything he needed. God was his guideposts, his map, his trading post to provide needs for the journey, and his compass. My Abraham journey has been quite similar.

Right now a guidepost appeared the past three weeks in the form of 10 people, 6 of whom were complete strangers when I met them. Three of them I was prompted to share a word of encouragement from God to them. Each time the word from God was EXACTLY what was needed to encourage them to move forward. Each person told me, "What?! I don't even know you and what you said was something I have been questioning and wondering about! How did you know?! God really spoke to me!" Six of the people are desiring going to church together after being away for awhile, or struggle to go alone. Some are even interested in coming to life group with me, a few already have. This is a guidepost for me because it confirms to me that I need to be in Waco. It confirms to me that right now I am where I am supposed to be. I shared in a previous post how easy it can be to doubt that you're where you're supposed to be, or question if you heard God correctly and discerned appropriately what He was saying. Well, sharing words of encouragement with strangers will get you out of your comfort zone really fast. When they are blown away that a stranger they have never met has a word for them and the word is spot on, it is an encouragement for them and a confirmation for you; a confirmation that you do hear and discern the Lord CLEARLY! I needed this guidepost.

Direction in the future continues to be an important thing, especially since the lease for my apartment is up June 1st. While it is nine months away and a lot can happen between now and then, it is important to prepare for the next leg in the journey. My intention is to have Southwest Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, TX be my next leg. Right now the timing is up in the air--next year is preferred. On/off campus? On campus/online? There's so many options and I'm trying hard to move forward in little steps of obedience so that God will continue to bring clarity.

" 'For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,'  says the Lord, 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then, [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find me when you search for Me with all your heart.' " ~ Jeremiah 29:11-13 [AMP] ~

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