Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Beauty of a Closet

It wasn't my first thought, after watching War Room, to have a prayer closet. Honestly, I have not had a closet for about 3 years since this past October. Believe me, I have had to get creative on how I store my clothing. I have also had to be serious on stuff and what I own. I don't believe it is wise to fill up your closet with tons of outfits, most of which you won't even wear in a year's time! After moving 5 times the past 4 years, I made a promise to myself three things:

1) If it doesn't fit me today, it will fit someone else. I give it away to a friend it will fit, or donate it. Often times through my church connections, there's a garage sale to support a missionary, or a garage sale to support the Discipleship Schools. It's much better than storing it for "when it fits me," which if I ever do lose a significant amount of weight the LAST thing I will wanna do is wear something of mine super old! I believe I would have earned a SHOPPING SPREE! :-)

2) If I didn't wear it this past year, I do need it anymore. This is most difficult with dresses, especially fancier ones. I'm finding I love to dress up, but I don't always do it every day or even every Sunday. My church I attend in Waco is very casual or business type, so wearing a dress isn't always the first thing I think of. I got rid of 6 when I moved and I'm slowly building my collection up again.

3) I don't need a full closet. Plain and simple. Do I rotate clothes? Kinda, but not intentionally or scheduled. Do I wear the same clothes often? Definitely. In fact, I will wear some outfits so rarely throughout the year that it isn't a surprise for even my roommate to compliment or notice them! Ha! Do I follow the latest fashion trends? NO. I really never have been one to be a fashionista. To me, my every day wardrobe should be logical for what I normally do, comfortable so I'm not squirming or start a sensory processing problem, and be versatile. I don't need a full closet to achieve these things, so why bother?

Recently, I moved into a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment with my roomie-sister-BFF, Meagan. It has been delightful to finally have my own space, my own room, and be able to have my very own closet to myself. As I was finally hanging my clothes up a few days ago and organizing my closet, I realized I only have enough space for half my closet to be used! This was extremely exciting! My mind started thinking about what I could do with the space! Immediately, all ideas were shut down after I realized what I could do: a prayer closet!!!

This is no surprise really, especially after having watched War Room at LEAST 3 times! (Amazing movie about the power of prayer that is heavily misunderstood in non-Christian circles.) I basically have been very convicted on time spent really fighting in prayer for myself, my family and friends, and those I know who need Jesus. I also pray for a significant number of missionaries, which is exciting! There's plenty I could do in that little area!! So I'm in the process of getting it exactly the way I want to. I think I'm finally learning the beauty of a closet.

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