Sunday, March 1, 2015

Missouri-Oklahoma Border

As I was traveling down here, I started thinking a lot about states and who created the borders of one ending and another starting. Even counties? Whose job was it to declare the crazy mess of the east side of the Twin Cities and the random shapes of those counties. Martin County in southern Minnesota is nice and square and I always thought every county was like that, but they aren't. Who picked the shapes of the states? Why is Minnesota shaped so oddly and Michigan is like a hand? I have random thoughts often . . .Then, the phone rang!

I was greeted on the phone by a potential supervisor who informed me that there were some changes in the timeline for me to be able to start on March 2nd like we had hoped. As a result of this, she called to hire me and offer me a position! As I listened to her offer and tried not to scream her eardrum out, I was greeted with a "Welcome to Oklahoma" sign! I accepted her offer, talked briefly, and then we ended the call.

I found myself praising God and thanking Him for His provision. You see, there's always people on the sidelines of my life who think I'm crazy, who aren't the most supportive, and who like to point out ways something I'm thinking of doing won't pan out. I used to stop doing what I was doing the moment these people scoffed at an idea. This time was different.

Instead of hesitating, I sought the Lord first. Then, over time, I sought out Godly counsel of trustworthy individuals who knew my God and knew me, people I have given the right to mentor me and guide me. I also ran the idea by some of my closest girlfriends. I was sure God's hand was in this move, but to move without a job secured from one end of the country to the other was scary. I knew God had a plan for me, I never doubted.

There was great peace as I crossed the border into Oklahoma on Saturday, February 21st. I not only had a place to live, but a job as well . . .
 More importantly, I also had a vision of what God was going to do and it was confirmed while I was en route, stepping out in faith!

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