Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Million Steps in One Day

Perhaps the most daunting part about moving is unloading the boxes to your new place. I don't know why, but everywhere I have moved to has involved stairs going up or down to my new place. My new home in Texas is no exception!

I was given a tour of the house and shown where my new room was. I also met a couple housemates and one of my two roommates. Then, I started unloading box after box after box. Stair after stair after stair after stair after.... I suppose you get the picture? Anyways, later on that night while I laid in my bed exhausted and sore from my move, I went back to every step I climbed.

A million steps? Well, that's probably an exaggeration. I would say I definitely achieved more than the 10,000 steps recommended in a day! Each step involved my body forcing against gravity to rise up to another height, climbing higher and higher. What goes up, must come down as well. I eventually would go down as much as I would go up. I'm exhausted just remembering it! As I lay in bed recalling this, I got a random thought. . .

My life is full of rises and falls, ups and downs . . . I still move forward; I still press on. I was encouraged to remember this as this new season was upon me. Rises and falls and ups and downs will all still come, along with leg cramps and blisters on your feet. Press on.

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