The hospital I am working at was founded by the Daughters of Charity, which can be traced back to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton--the first United States citizen to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. She is the Patron Saint for Catholic Education, as she started the very first Catholic school in Maryland. This sticks out to me greatly because my mother named my sister and I after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton by our middle names. The only difference is my middle name she liked better with an "e" on the end. I always grew up knowing this, so when I heard this Sister talk about the origins of the hospital being traced back to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, I got really, really excited!
We were told that we were at the hospital to serve the Lord by serving the sick. To some, this could be very scandalous to hear your employer tell you this the very first day you started on the job; not to me. Inside my heart was dancing at the thought that my everyday job was actually a true calling from the Lord! The Sister went on to share with us there were six areas the hospital really wanted to instill into their employees: service, reverence, integrity, wisdom, creativity, and dedication. She gave us an acronym to remember these, "Serving Really Is Worshiping Christ Daily." She went on to say that our mission here is really worshiping Christ and that's important because we need to be rooted in Jesus as our healer so that we can serve the Lord by serving the sick. My heart skipped a bit at the thought that my job was much more than a job . . . but a calling.
The second day of orientation, we got to hear from the head of the nursing department. This lady was really neat to hear speak, so I took a lot of notes. One thing she said parallel what the Sister said the day before, "Your attitude will set the tone here. This is the first hospital in this city that was founded by the Daughters of Charity. This means, we don't want you to come to work thinking of it as just another job. You are actually on a mission from God to serve the sick. This should be your attitude every single day you come to work, no matter what happens at home." I had goosebumps then and I have goosebumps now! How amazing it is for my top boss to challenge me to have an attitude of service to God while at work!
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the concept of working for the Lord. This concept has never been foreign to me in any job I have ever been in previously and I would strive to do it, but this is the first time an employer of mine actually expects me to have this mindset. As a result, this has been a spiritual challenge as well as an employment challenge. Paul talked about this same concept in his book of Colossians. I will be memorizing this passage:
"Whatever you do, work heartily,
as for the Lord and not for men,
knowing that from the Lord
you will receive the inheritance as your reward.
You are serving the Lord Christ."
Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)