Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Rainy Season

"You have to have rain in order for rainbows to come."

I read this quote on facebook the other day. It is perfect for my life the past three weeks. I have been bringing a lot of things to the Lord and our convo has gone like this...

ME: Lord, it has been so hot. I get you called me here, but can't you make it colder for me? I believe you can do ANYTHING, so can't you do this?

GOD: (pats me gently on the head) I could make this region colder for you but then it would destroy a lot of the ecosystem I have created in this region. Would that really be fair?

ME: Well I guess not God.

GOD: When I created it all and saw that it was good, I was happy and thrilled to share this world with you one day. Do you not think it is good?

ME: Lord, I am sorry. Forgive me for my selfishness. It is so good and much more than the dead of winter turning to Spring. I just am not adjusting well. It is a HUGE change!

GOD: (envelopes me in a hug) I know it is and I knew it would be, but you know this is only a season, right?

ME: (laughs) Well, yes, I know the heat is just a season, but it is so drastically different than Minnesota.

GOD: No, you don't understand. Remember your complaint of not having a social life last week, your tears shed over feeling alone yesterday, or even this lamenting about the heat today??

ME: Yes, Father, I remember those.

GOD: Well, these things are all a part of this season. It is only temporary. You are making friends and meeting people all the time. You will feel alone, but I am always here for you to turn to and fill that void. And eventually, you will visit Minnesota and wonder how you ever survived a winter there!! Do you not trust me and my plans for you?

ME: OH, LORD! Yes! I DO!

GOD: Then, stand firm knowing I have prepared you for all seasons--good, bad, trying, or thriving. I saw it all and I know what's best.

ME: Okay, Lord, I will.

This constant reminder and patience I have been given from God has gotten me through this hump. I really think the reality of my move didn't hit me until 3 weeks ago when I put the AC on in early March for the first time in my whole life!! I am thankful to grow in these challenges and know God has a greater plan than I could ever imagine. Every rainbow is a promise of His faithfulness! Only rain will bring a rainbow, so my tears and sweat falling like rain will one day show a beautiful image of God's faithfulness to me.

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